A Lovely New Art Print of a Wee Winterqueen…


We are very excited to tell you about our lovely new art print for so many reasons. First and foremost, it is because it features our portrait of a wee Winterqueen, which is a picture that is very dear to us. We loved drawing her and sharing this picture and the story of the Winterqueens and Winterkings with you (you’ll find a link to this story by following the click above) and we’re so happy that we can now also share it with you in the form of a lovely art print as well.

Another reason is the fact that she’s also the first Picsee to be printed on Hahnemühle’s new fine-art hemp paper, which is a beautiful museum grade matt paper with a lovely warm-tone and a subtle texture. The paper is made from hemp and cotton fibres (60% hemp & 40% cotton) which are both natural and sustainable plant fibres, meaning not only is it an exquisite sheet of paper, it is environmentally friendly as well…which we think makes this the perfect fit for this wee portrait.

And last but most certainly not least, we will also be drawing a wee little ‘picseeglyph”, along with the year it was printed, in the white border below the picture to make your print extra special (you can see some sample pictures of our little picseeglyphs by following the link at the top of the page). We are also very happy to let you know that all our new 2020 open edition prints will now include this wee picseeglyph as well ~:)

The Moonlight Faeries…


Last night was full moon which means it was a very busy night for the moonlight faeries, so we went to lend them a hand. And when we got back in the wee hours of this morning, we thought it would be nice to share this drawing with you that we drew many such moons ago.
It’s a portrait of our good friend Lindee-Mae who is of course a moonlight fae. And when the moon is full, it’s her job to collect all the moonbeams that gets lost during the night. She will then keep them safe until dawn so that they can become wee shimmers and glimmers on the dew drops the next morning.


We’re very happy to let you know that both of these beautiful faerie prints are now back in stock (along with a few other ones too) so, if you’ve been waiting to get one of these lovely art-prints just visit our wee webshop by following this click:

#thepicsees #artprints #faeries